"Korlahia is a village situated in the State of Bihar India, at 20 km from the nearest township Muzaffarpur on NH 77, being the first village of Sitamarhi district, an abode of Videha, King Janaka and the birth place of Goddess Sita.
It has a small population of about 1000 inhabitants knit into a traditional self-sustaining society. It is said that a widow and two of her brothers ventured to rehabilitate this village. The history of Korlahia is full of selflessness and sacrifice which may be placed on the website when complete.
Presently, Korlahia has a 500 line capacity Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) telephone exchange opened on April 14, 1999 and a mobile station which is identified from distance by presence of the transmission tower.
It has a middle school and a small market. The East Central Railway has a plan to open a Railway station on Muzaffarpur-Sitamarhi section by the year 2008.
The population consists of farmers, teachers, doctors, nurse, milkmen, cooks, traders and a large number of officers and men of Armed forces serving/retired as well as Indian Air Force pilots and other professionals.
The farming community has Litchi and Mangoes orchards of about 2500 trees which is likely to touch the figure of 3000 by the year 2010. Some farmers have taken to Banana plantation too.
Korlahia has an organized Milk Collection Centre supplying about 500 litres of milk per day to SUDHA Milk Co-operative and sweet shops of Muzaffarpur.
On June 28, 2006 a Village Knowledge Centre (VKC) was opened by with private initiative, connecting a computer on internet, a dream of His Excellency Dr. APJ Abulkalam, the President of India under the scheme of PURA (provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) and accomplishment of Mission 2007 of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan.
A Health Centre is likely to be inaugurated shortly with the help of native doctors.
It has a small population of about 1000 inhabitants knit into a traditional self-sustaining society. It is said that a widow and two of her brothers ventured to rehabilitate this village. The history of Korlahia is full of selflessness and sacrifice which may be placed on the website when complete.
Presently, Korlahia has a 500 line capacity Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) telephone exchange opened on April 14, 1999 and a mobile station which is identified from distance by presence of the transmission tower.
It has a middle school and a small market. The East Central Railway has a plan to open a Railway station on Muzaffarpur-Sitamarhi section by the year 2008.
The population consists of farmers, teachers, doctors, nurse, milkmen, cooks, traders and a large number of officers and men of Armed forces serving/retired as well as Indian Air Force pilots and other professionals.
The farming community has Litchi and Mangoes orchards of about 2500 trees which is likely to touch the figure of 3000 by the year 2010. Some farmers have taken to Banana plantation too.
Korlahia has an organized Milk Collection Centre supplying about 500 litres of milk per day to SUDHA Milk Co-operative and sweet shops of Muzaffarpur.
On June 28, 2006 a Village Knowledge Centre (VKC) was opened by with private initiative, connecting a computer on internet, a dream of His Excellency Dr. APJ Abulkalam, the President of India under the scheme of PURA (provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) and accomplishment of Mission 2007 of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan.
A Health Centre is likely to be inaugurated shortly with the help of native doctors.